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Absolute Terms of Use

This document (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions which govern your relationship with ABSOLUTE. This is a document intended to have legal effect so please read it carefully.The purpose of this document (“Policy”) is to explain how Absolute Trust and Estate (“ Absolute ‘) handles Personal Data which is subject to the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 of Singapore (“PDPA”), any regulations enacted thereunder, and any guidelines issued from time to time by the Personal Data Protection Commission.

1. Definitions:

  • "ABSOLUTE” means Absolute Trust & Estate Pte Ltd;
  • “ABSOLUTE Consultant” means any person designated by ABSOLUTE to provide you with will-writing or legacy-planning services on ABSOLUTE’s behalf;
  • ABSOLUTE Team Member means any director, shareholder, employee or agent of ABSOLUTE; and
  • “Website” means www.absolutelegacy.sg or any other web address at which ABSOLUTE does business.

2. Services:

  • You agree to engage ABSOLUTE to provide you with will-writing and/or legacy-planning services via its ABSOLUTE Consultants and/or Website;
  • In exchange for ABSOLUTE providing you with will-writing and/or legacy-planning services, you agree to pay the charges set out by ABSOLUTE via its Website;
  • ABSOLUTE has the discretion to vary its rates from time to time;
  • You are responsible for providing ABSOLUTE with accurate information for the purposes of ABSOLUTE’s will-writing or legacy-planning services. You agree that ABSOLUTE and/or its ABSOLUTE Team Members and/or its ABSOLUTE Consultants cannot be held responsible by you for the accuracy of any information which you provide to ABSOLUTE; and
  • You understand that ABSOLUTE does not provide legal services regulated under the Legal Profession Act (Cap 161).

3. Personal Information:

  • ABSOLUTE’s personal information and data protection (“PDPA”) policy is found here. In accepting the terms of this Agreement, you also agree to be bound by ABSOLUTE’s PDPA policy. 

4. Limitation on Liability:

  • You agree that the aggregate liability of ABSOLUTE, all ABSOLUTE Team Members and all ABSOLUTE Consultants arising out or in connection of any service provided to you in connection with ABSOLUTE’s will-writing or legacy-planning services shall, in respect of each individual transaction between yourself and ABSOLUTE, be limited to the value of fees charged by ABSOLUTE for that transaction.

5. The law of this Agreement shall be Singapore law. Parties agree to negotiate all disputes in good faith prior to the commencement of legal action. All disputes will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of Singapore. 

Should you have any queries, please contact our Data Protection Officer . Do indicate your query clearly in an email and allow us reasonable time to respond. You may contact our Data Protection Officer at admin@absolutelegacy.sg

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