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Don't Join Our Platform.

Yes, we know it sounds crazy but give us a moment to explain.

The Right Fit.

We take what we do very seriously, and place a HIGH value on fit, so we're honest and upfront about our position.

We've come to learn that sometimes the objectives agency heads approached us with may not mesh with our mission and business model. So before we take on the duty to power your agency's estate planning arm, it is of paramount importance that we're compatible.

If we're not a good fit, we'll tell you so. We wouldn’t want to lead you on, and we’d hope you’d extend us the same courtesy were the roles reversed.

What You Can Expect From Us.

Once we have a mutual agreement on how we can help each other move forward together, we will dedicate the necessary resources and manpower to get your estate planning suite of services operationally ready.

Typically, we will kick this off by scheduling the training days which will be conducted by our lawyers. During which, our developers will prepare the online test and accounts for your team. In the case our developers are required to perform additional work as per your request, your involvement is essential. You'll be required to provide meaningful feedback and approvals at various stages, so your availability and capacity to make decisions is critical.

That being said,

  1. If you don't view Legacy Planning as an important service for your clients, DON'T JOIN OUR PLATFORM.
  2. If you are not keen on equipping your team with updated tools and knowledge in Legacy Planning, DON'T JOIN OUR PLATFORM.
  3. If you are don't like our mission and find yourself not inline with our advisor-driven purpose, DON'T JOIN OUR PLATFORM.
  4. If you are uninterested with boosting relevance to your agency's Legacy Planning services, DON'T JOIN OUR PLATFORM.
  5. If you are not motivated to drive the adoption of technology in your agency, DON'T JOIN OUR PLATFORM.

However, if you are serious about providing Estate Planning in the best way for both your advisors and their clients, then we got exactly what you need.


Let's Get Started.

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